12-Jan-2025 21:47:48 GMT


Name Size Mod
vim1_lakka.v23.roms_preinstalled.sd.img.gz462 MB30-Sep-2022 08:40:37
vim1_lakka.v23.roms_preinstalled.sd.img.md5sum79 B30-Sep-2022 08:40:37
vim1_lakka.v23.roms_preinstalled.sd.img.readme.txt3 kB30-Sep-2022 08:40:37
vim1_lakka.v23.roms_preinstalled.sd.zip462 MB30-Sep-2022 08:40:38
vim1_lakka.v23.sd.img.gz333 MB30-Sep-2022 08:40:39
vim1_lakka.v23.sd.img.md5sum61 B30-Sep-2022 08:40:39
vim1_lakka.v23.sd.img.readme.txt3 kB30-Sep-2022 08:40:39
vim1_lakka.v23.sd.zip334 MB30-Sep-2022 08:40:40




+ Khadas VIM1


+ Rebuilt the last 2.3 release from lakka.tv
+ Removed unused firmwares
+ Onboard Wi-Fi - OK
+ EMMC Boot - OK
+ SD Boot - OK
+ serial debug UART - ENABLED
+ Khadas IR Remote Control - OK
+ Khadas 3705 Cooling Fan - OK
+ Easy installation from SD to EMMC
+ Bluetooth - TESTMODE
+ File System: NTFS + exFat + Fat + ext2/3/4

## DOWNLOAD image links

+ https://dl.khadas.com/Firmware/VIM1/Lakka

## ROMs pre-installed NOTES

+ You can download preinstalled images which marked as **roms_preinstalled**
+ All pre-installed ROMs are only for educational purposes

## ROM links

+ https://mega.nz/#F!fmJlDC4b!OdaroX8s1D0vSza80cL-NA
+ https://mega.nz/#F!95ZjhA4A!WsxHYK-0p_Zfm2PtfxB6HA

## INSTALL image to SD card

### Linux - default installation method examples

    wget http://SERVER/LAKKA_IMAGE.sd.zip
    unzip -p LAKKA_IMAGE.sd.zip '*.img' | sudo dd bs=1M of=/dev/YOUR_SD_CARD

    wget http://SERVER/LAKKA_IMAGE.img.gz
    gzip -dc LAKKA_IMAGE.img.gz | sudo dd bs=1M of=/dev/YOUR_SD_CARD

    wget http://SERVER/Firmware/VIM1/Lakka/LAKKA_IMAGE.img.gz -O- | gzip -dc | sudo dd bs=1M of=/dev/YOUR_SD_CARD

NOTE: Remember to replace the words LAKKA_IMAGE and YOUR_SD_CARD, to the correct values in your system.

### Linux - GUI

    sudo ./balenaEtcher-1.5.57-x64.AppImage

Just select the LAKKA_IMAGE.img.gz or LAKKA_IMAGE.img.zip image, and select your SD card as the target. Press burn!
( There is no need to decompress the image )

### Another OS (or if previous methods were difficult for you)

Use Balena Etcher to burn the Lakka image to your SD card or USB flash media.

+ https://www.lakka.tv/get/linux/s905/install/
+ https://www.lakka.tv/doc/alternative-image-flashing-methods/

## BOOT from SD card

+ Best way is to just boot Lakka from your SD card.
+ If your EMMC is empty, Lakka will automatically boot from your SD card.
+ Else, Uboot will start from EMMC by default - it can boot from SD card, but only with the proper version and config!

### VIM1_v12 (old)

* Power on VIM1.
* Short-circuit the two pads of the M register (back PCB side), and without releasing it… https://docs.khadas.com/images/vim1/MRegister_ShortCircuit.png
* Short press the Reset key, then release it to force boot from SD card

### VIM1 v14 (current)

Just triple-press `KEY_F` (middle button) to force SD bootup!

## INSTALL to EMMC (internal storage)

* Write image to SD card.
* Open/mount SD card (LAKKA partition) on your PC.
* Activate this script `scripts/install2emmc.script.disabled` which is stored in the first LAKKA partition. Rename it from `install2emmc.script.disabled` -> `install2emmc.script`.
* Unmount/eject SD card from your PC .
* Insert SD card into VIM1 (TF card slot).
* Power on + force boot from SD card by triple pressing `KEY_F` (middle button).
* Wait for the "remove SD card" message to appear, before ejecting your SD card.
* OK! Well done! EMMC boot will occur automatically.

NOTE: All previous EMMC data will be lost!!!

## SSH

Deactivated by default.

    user	root
    passw	lakka


Deactivated by default.

### Linux smb clients - smb config example

    client use spnego = no
    protocol = SMB2
    client max protocol = smb2
    workgroup = WORKGROUP

## RC control 

+ You can customise `remote.conf` to match any other Remote Control.
+ By default it is configured for the Khadas IR Remote.


+ https://www.lakka.tv/
+ https://dl.khadas.com/Firmware/VIM1/Lakka/
+ https://www.khadas.com/vim1
+ https://gist.github.com/hyphop/dc120269319402480f2d7adec2367afa

## Rebuilt by 

    ## hyphop ##